CPTR CIIS systems access information

After completing the steps below to set-up your CIIS university email address, see this knowledgebase article for how to access your CPTR virtual course space in CIIS Canvas: Log-in to CIIS Canvas – CIIS Knowledgebase (vclhub.com)

Canvas direct URL: https://ciis.instructure.com/

CIIS utilizes Microsoft Azure single-sign-on for systems access.  You will be issued a university email address (@mymail.ciis.edu) as a log-in credential for this purpose .

Setting-up your university email.

Navigate to https://outlook.office.com/ (opens in new tab)

  1. Enter your email address and temporary password and create and confirm a new password.
Change university email password

2. Select Next

More information required

3. Set-up account recovery information and select finish once complete.

Set-up account recover information

Your courses will be accessible in the Canvas Learning management system. Canvas will send email notifications about changes in the virtual course and communications from other students, mentors and instructors to your CIIS university email address. If your do not intend to check your CIIS university email regularly, it can be forwarded with the following steps.

Canvas direct URL: https://ciis.instructure.com/

Email notifications about changes in the virtual course and communications from other students, mentors and instructors to your CIIS university email address. If your do not intend to check your CIIS university email regularly, it can be forwarded with the following steps. Learn about Canvas notifications.

On the https://outlook.office.com/ webpage, select the gear icon at the top right, expand, and select “View all Outlook settings.”

Access Outlook settings

On the Outlook settings page, add email forwarding information and Save.

Set-up email forwarding

Self-Service: Submitting Final Grades

Tip #1: Only use one tab or browser to enter Final Grades

Do not open multiple tabs or multiple browsers with Self-Service open. This can cause only some of the grades to post if you enter grades in different locations.

Tip #2: Grades you can edit are not posted

After you input a grade for your students, you need to post grades to make them final. If you are able to edit the grade you entered for a student, you have not successfully posted Final Grades. Below are examples of final grades that are posted correctly and incorrectly for reference.

Final Grades Posted Correctly

Final Grades Not Posted Correctly

Review CIIS grade scheme here.

Steps to submitting final grades in Self-Service

1. Sign-in to Self-Service with your university email address and email password (https://ciis-ss.colleague.elluciancloud.com/Student)
2. Select the faculty button

3. Your course schedule by term will be listed, select the Section Name and Title
4. Select Grading and then Final Grade
5. Select drop-down to select final grade by student (leave Never Attended and Last Date of Attendance blank).

Registrar note:

If students were able to take your course for either a letter grade or a pass/no pass grade, only letter grades will be available for you to input. If the student had chosen pass/no pass, the letter grade will be automatically converted to either P or NP. Graduate students who earned a B or above get a P; undergraduates, a C or above.

If the student had registered in audit status, enter the grade based on the work they had done. This could include an F. The system will automatically convert this to an AU. 

In both cases, the letter grade you submit is not viewable by the student in Self-Service or on their transcripts.

6. Select Back to Courses to submit grades for other courses

What is Acclaim?

The video below demonstrates Acclaim, a video platform that integrates with Canvas (getacclaim.com). Acclaim allows students to easily receive timestamped feedback on their video submissions. By pinpointing important moments within a video, instructors can provide precise and tailored critiques.

Since classes were first virtualized in March 2020, instructors have effectively used Acclaim in courses that emphasize student presentations and roleplay exercises, among other activities.

Click here for an overview from Acclaim.

For a demonstration of Acclaim and Canvas, play the video below or click here to open it in a new tab.

Interested in using Acclaim in your course?

Contact onlinelearningsupport@ciis.edu. A limited number of licenses is available.

Already using Acclaim in a course?

See the following support articles for setting up Acclaim:

Verify Canvas log-in URL; you may not have a Canvas account at this time

Existing Canvas users (students & faculty)

If you have previously accessed Canvas and now cannot with your university email address and email password, please:

  1. Verify you are logging in at https://ciis.instructure.com/ (with no text after “.com”).
    1. If your browser adds additional text after “.com,” then clear your browser cache and try again. For a demonstration of clearing your cache in Chrome, please see our support article.
    2. If you use a bookmark for Canvas you might need to update the address.  
  2. If you are still unable to log in using your CIIS email credentials, verify you are not logged in to another Office account (work, school, personal) in the same browser.

    Log out of Office. Then, using the same browser (e.g. Chrome), log in to Office using your CIIS email credentials and sign in to CIIS Canvas. 

    How to log out of Office:

      1. Go to office.com
      2. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner > Sign out.

    How to log in to office.com using your CIIS email address and email password:

      1. Go to office.com.
      2. Sign in.
      3. Go to ciis.instructure.com.
      4. You will be signed in automatically.

New student accounts

Canvas student accounts are created within 72 hours after a student’s first successful course registration.   Any subsequent student enrollments are added to Canvas 24 hours after registering.  Email CIIS IT at support@uswired.com for account verification if you are not able to log-in to Canvas with your university email and it has been at least 24 hours after you registered for your first course at the university.

Non-degree program users

For all other non-degree program Canvas users who are not able to log-in with their university email address (Public Program, Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research), who may or may not have been issued a university email address, verify your Canvas account status with the program office.

Need more help?

If you are having trouble logging in to your CIIS email account or don’t have access to your email password, then please contact CIIS IT at support@uswired.com.

If you had previously accessed Canvas and are not able to log-in from this URL with your university email address and email password, email onlinelearning@ciis.edu for support.  

Thank you, Online Learning 

Upload media to a Discussion post in Canvas

Supported formats include MP4, MPG, MOV, MPEG, MP3, WAV, WMV, etc. For additional formats, please see the Canvas Community article here.
The maximum size for each file uploaded to Canvas is 500 MB. You can upload as many files as you wish, as long as each is under 500 MB. (If your file is larger, please upload it to Online Learning here in advance of the due date. Then email Teams@ciis.edu to tell us where to post it).

The following article explains how a student can upload media to Canvas that has already been recorded and saved to your device.

If you wish to use Canvas to record as well as upload, please see the Canvas Community article called How do I record media using the Rich Content Editor as a student?


If you are adding media to a Discussion post, go to the Discussion forum in Canvas and click Reply.

  1. From the Rich Content Editor, click on the Record/Upload Media button itself (not the arrow next to it):Rectangle containing a triangle alongside a music note.It is generally near the middle of the second row of the menubar. If you do not see it immediately, first expand the menubar by selecting the More button which looks like 3 stacked dots:The Rich Content Editor menubar. An icon is highlighted that looks like a rectangle containing a triangle and a music note. At the far right of the menubar an icon is highlighted of 3 stacked dots.
  2. Drag the video file into the area that says Drag a file here.
    1. Click the Submit button at the bottom right. 
    2. You will see a spinning circle indicating the video is uploading to the Canvas item. Larger files will take longer to upload. This requires a steady internet connection:Grey rectangle with circle that is part blue and part white.
    1. When the circle stops spinning, press the Post reply button at the bottom right of the Canvas Discussion post.
    2. You will see a preview of the video on the saved page.

Submit media to an Assignment in Canvas

Supported formats include MP4, MPG, MOV, MPEG, MP3, WAV, WMV, etc. For additional formats, please see the Canvas Community article here.
The maximum size for each file uploaded to Canvas is 500 MB. You can upload as many files as you wish, as long as each is under 500 MB. (If your file is larger, please upload it to Online Learning here in advance of the due date. Then email Teams@ciis.edu to tell us where to post it).

The following article explains how a student can upload media to Canvas that has already been recorded and saved to your device.

If you wish to use Canvas to record as well as upload, please see the Canvas Community article called How do I record media using the Rich Content Editor as a student?


If you are a student submitting media as an Assignment, go to the Assignment in Canvas. Then click the blue Start Assignment button:Button that says Start Assignment

If you see a tab called Media

  1. Click the Record/Upload Media button:
  2. A tab called Media. Within it a button called Record/Upload Media is highlighted.In the window that opens, select the Upload Media tab and Select Video File:The second tab called Upload Media is highlighted. Within it is a highlighted button called Select Video File.
  3. Use the window that opens to navigate to the video saved on your computer. After it uploads, click the Submit Assignment button:Within a tab called Media, a button called Submit Assignment at the bottom right is highlighted.

If you don’t see a Media tab and instead see only a File Upload tab

Click the Upload File button and select Choose File. In the window that opens, navigate to the video that is saved on your computer and select it. Then in Canvas, click the Submit Assignment button: A tab called File. Within it is a highlighted button called Upload File. Another button is highlighted at the bottom right, called Submit Assignment.


Display a Google item in Canvas as an iframe

To watch the video below, click play.
To enlarge a video while playing, select the fullscreen icon: Fullscreen icon.
To hide or show subtitles while playing, select the CC icon: CC icon.
To jump to a specific section, select the table of contents icon:
Table of contents icon.
You can select a chapter (on certain videos only), or type a term into the search field and select a returned result.

The video below demonstrates how to embed a Google Doc (or other collaborative Google item) into a Canvas Discussion as an iframe. This method can also be used in Canvas Announcements, Assignments, Pages, and Quizzes.

Users will be able to collaborate on the document from Canvas directly.

Click here to open the video in a new tab, watch the video embedded below, or scroll down for written instructions.

  1. Copy the HTML below:


    <iframe src=https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ_-d2z9L7_I_pU8ETrmgiam6U5MYCdY_1keUQkX6imIGmN8TsK7Nu2VnE_6k4C0cFf1zSh8_fUINQ8/pub?embedded=true width=”800″ height=”800″></iframe>


  1. Go to the Canvas Discussion (or Announcement, Assignment, Page, or Quiz) where you wish to embed the Google item.
  2. Click the Edit button at the top right:Button that says Edit with a pencil.
  3. Click the HTML icon near the bottom right:Left and right angle brackets containing a forward slash.
  4. Paste the HTML.
  5. Open the Google Doc in a new tab.
  6. Click the Share button near the top right. In the window that opens, click Copy Link.
  7. Go to the Canvas Discussion again. Carefully isolate the URL highlighted below and replace it with the link that you just generated from the Google Doc:HTML code. The portion between "src=" and before the space before "width" is highlighted.
  8. To see how your Google Doc looks in Canvas, click the HTML icon again.
  9. Click the Save button at the bottom right.

  10. If you need to adjust the size of the frame in which your Google item is being displayed, go into HTML mode again by clicking the Edit button and selecting the HTML icon. Try changing the width from 800 px to a different size (e.g. 1000):HTML code with "1000" highlighted. It appears after width="
  11. Click the Save button at the bottom right of the Canvas item. Repeat the process as needed using different numbers for the width or height to find an adequate display size.



Share screens in Zoom

If you are on a Mac and have the Catalina OS or newer and will need to screenshare in Zoom or BigBlueButton, please follow the steps in this video to enable screensharing.

This article only applies to Zoom accounts that are managed by Online Learning.
If your class meets virtually–but your meeting links are not sent by VCL@ciis.edu–then the settings for your Zoom meetings may be different.
For questions about Zoom meetings that aren’t managed by Online Learning, please contact the Zoom account owner (possibly your program) or CIIS IT at support@uswired.com.

This guide describes using the Zoom desktop client on a computer (Macintosh or Windows).

For details about other devices, as well as the latest information, please see the Zoom Help Center.
What can I do in advance?
It is recommended to download and install Zoom on your device if you haven’t already. If using a web browser, please use Chrome only. Verify that your browser is up-to-date. For more information, see the Canvas Community article here.
Please check your Chrome settings to allow webcam and microphone access. Make sure that blindsidenetworks and Zoom don’t appear in the “Blocked” category for Mic. Do the same for Webcam.

Additionally, if you are on a Mac and have the Catalina OS or newer, please follow the steps in this video to enable screensharing.
If you encounter audio issues, check that Bluetooth headphones are not inadvertently connected (e.g. AirPods). For a demonstration of testing your audio, watch this Zoom support video (end at 1:09).
If you have a presentation file to share you may wish to save it as a PDF (File > Save as Adobe PDF in Windows or File > Save As > PDF > Save on Mac). Email it to the class in advance in case they need to open it on their end. (If you don’t have everyone’s email address handy, you can use the Canvas Inbox feature and attach it to a message to your entire class.) Presentations that are saved as a PDF won’t include dynamic transitions, video, etc. (only text, hyperlinks, and static images such as photos).
If you will be showing a YouTube video, PDF, or other media, you can have it open and ready before you present.
Important note
Virtualized courses are not recorded based on university policy and federal (HHS HIPAA & FERPA) and state regulations. Virtualized courses are for synchronous (simultaneous) attendance only. Student attendance is required, and the university’s attendance policy applies.

For immediate assistance during a virtual course meeting, please visit www.vclhub.com.

For security reasons, Participants are not automatically allowed to screenshare.

To allow Participants to screenshare, the Host can update options from within a meeting. Please see the Allow Participants to screenshare in Zoom (Host only) article. 

  1. To share your screen open the file that you wish to share.
  2. In Zoom, click Share Screen:Zoom layout with the Share Screen button highlighted in the middle of the Zoom toolbar.
  3. A dialog box will open. Click the image of the content you wish to share. If you wish, you can select the default image, called Screen (Windows) or Desktop 1 (Mac). This will display the entire contents of your screen, making it easier to screenshare among different apps.
    1. If you will be presenting audio/video to the rest of the class, checkmark Share computer sound (otherwise they cannot hear the media) and Optimize Screen Sharing for Video Clip.
    2. Click Share.
      Window called Select a window or an application that you want to share. The first image is highlighted, at the top left. At the bottom left, Share Computer Sound and Optimize Screen Sharing for Video Clip are highlighted checkboxes. At the bottom right, the Share button is highlighted.
  4. Your screen will be shared immediately. If you had chosen to share your entire screen, navigate to the item you wish to share. Everything you see that is outlined in green is being shared to others.
    1. If others have trouble hearing your shared video, check your microphone input:
      1. Click the arrow at the right of the Mute button, then under Select a Microphone choose Same as System:Arrow at the right of Mute button in Zoom dashboard with a menu. Same as System is highlighted in the menu.
      2. Remember to return the selection when you are finished screensharing.
  5. To stop sharing, click Stop Share.