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Grade an Assignment in Canvas

This article discusses the following topics:
How to grade an Assignment in SpeedGrader
Instructions for viewing instructor annotations (for students).

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How to grade an Assignment in SpeedGrader

SpeedGrader is a tool within Canvas that allows instructors to easily and securely grade student submissions.

The video below demonstrates grading an Assignment in SpeedGrader. Click here to open it in a new tab.


If you are grading Discussions or Quizzes, you will see slightly different options. For instance, when viewing a graded Discussion in SpeedGrader, for each student you will see all of their comments for a particular Discussion forum in a single location. For more information, see the Canvas Community article called How do I grade a graded discussion in SpeedGrader?

For a demonstration of grading a Quiz, please see the Grade a Quiz in Canvas article.

Instructions for Viewing instructor annotations (for students)

Now that you have annotated an Assignment, students must download the graded paper in order to best view your comments.

The video below demonstrates how a student can download a paper with instructor annotations. Click here to open it in a new tab.

You can provide your students with instructions for downloading their papers with your annotations in the following formats:

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