Colleague Grade Rosters

Be sure to add a variable in addition to term or you will get a grade roster for every section in the term.

Department codes are under reference image

Steps to use GROS to obtain section grade rosters.

Add dept. code only for the “Department Incl” line (department name will populate after selecting enter).

D.ANTAnthropology & Social Change
D.AOMAcupuncture & Oriental Med
D.APCAsian Phil & Cultures
D.CLNClinical Psychology
D.CMHCommunity Mental Health
D.CPMCP Courses
D.ESREcology, Spirituality & Relig
D.EWPEast West Psychology
D.EXAExpressive Arts Therapy
D.GENGeneral Programs
D.HSXHuman Sexuality
D.IAInterdisciplinary Arts
D.ICPIntegral Counseling Psychology
D.IHLIntegrative Health Studies
D.ISInterdisciplinary Studies
D.ITPIntegral & Transpersonal Psych
D.MPSPsychological Studies
D.PARPAR Courses
D.PCCPhil, Cosmology, & Conscious
D.PDTDrama Therapy
D.SOMSomatic Psychology
D.TCMTraditional Chinese Med
D.TITransformative Inquiry
D.WSEWomen’s Spirituality