Self-Service: Submitting Final Grades

Grading Policies

  • CIIS’ grade scale can be found on this webpage: Additional questions about which grade to assign are best answered by your program.
  • It’s not necessary to submit all grades at once, but all must be submitted by the deadline. 
  • For courses which allowed student to choose either a letter grade or a pass/no pass grade when they registered, the system will permit you to enter only a letter grade. If the student had chosen pass/no pass, the system automatically converts the letter grade to either P or NP. For graduate students, a grade of B or higher converts to P; a grade of B- or lower, to NP; for undergraduate students, a grade of C or higher converts to P; a grade of C- or lower, to NP.
  • If you’ve entered a wrong grade, contact right away. We’ll expunge it so you then enter the new one.
  • If the student registered in audit status, enter a grade based on the work they did. Any grade, even an F, will be converted to AU. Students won’t be able to see the grade you’d assigned.
  • The students who’ve formally withdrawn from your course will have a W grade already populated. If they stopped attending, assign a grade based on the work they completed. Note, CIIS’ Class Attendance Policystipulates that any student absent for more than 20% of a course, including both excused and unexcused absences, cannot pass it. 
  • If a student is requesting more time, you may grant an extension by having them submit to you the  Incomplete Grade Request form. Please first check with your program, as not all permit incompletes to be assigned.
  • For comprehensive examination grading, submit the Comprehensive Examination Grade Submission Form and the Comprehensive Examination Assessment Form (the latter submitted to you by your student), and the exam to your program chair. The chair will archive the exam and forward the forms to the Office of the Registrar, which will record the grade and archive the assessment form.
  • Grades for Proposal Completion and Dissertation Seminar/Research/Continuance are to be submitted online, like any other course. If the student’s work in the semester met your expectations, submit a grade of IP [In Progress]; if not, submit a grade of NS [Not Satisfactory].

Colleague Grade Rosters

Be sure to add a variable in addition to term or you will get a grade roster for every section in the term.

Department codes are under reference image

Steps to use GROS to obtain section grade rosters.

Add dept. code only for the “Department Incl” line (department name will populate after selecting enter).

D.ANTAnthropology & Social Change
D.AOMAcupuncture & Oriental Med
D.APCAsian Phil & Cultures
D.CLNClinical Psychology
D.CMHCommunity Mental Health
D.CPMCP Courses
D.ESREcology, Spirituality & Relig
D.EWPEast West Psychology
D.EXAExpressive Arts Therapy
D.GENGeneral Programs
D.HSXHuman Sexuality
D.IAInterdisciplinary Arts
D.ICPIntegral Counseling Psychology
D.IHLIntegrative Health Studies
D.ISInterdisciplinary Studies
D.ITPIntegral & Transpersonal Psych
D.MPSPsychological Studies
D.PARPAR Courses
D.PCCPhil, Cosmology, & Conscious
D.PDTDrama Therapy
D.SOMSomatic Psychology
D.TCMTraditional Chinese Med
D.TITransformative Inquiry
D.WSEWomen’s Spirituality

University Online Resources

CIIS Connect SharePoint

  • Academic Programs
  • Student Affairs
    • Office of Student Accessibility Services
    • International Students Office
    • Wellness Center
    • Student Union
  • Student Accounts (Information)
  • Research and Writing
    • Center for Writing and Scholarship
    • Human Research Review Committee (HRRC)
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Registrar’s Office
  • Human Resources Office
    • Student Worker
    • Faculty and Staff
  • Office of the President
  • Office of the Provost
  • Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Public Programs
  • Staff Association
  • Deans and Directors Council
  • University Faculty and Staff Directory
  • Classroom Schedule and Events Calendar


  • All
    • Update demographic settings
      • Chosen Name
      • Emergency Contact
      • Personal Email
  • Student
  • Course Catalogue, Planning, and Registration
  • Advisor Communication
  • Final Grades
  • Transcript
    • Obtain Unofficial Transcript
    • Request Official Transcript
  • Financial Aid
  • Student Accounts (Payments)
  • Graduation Application
  • Student Worker Payroll
  • Faculty
  • Course Rosters
  • Final Grade Submission
  • Employee HR Information and Forms
  • Staff
  • Employee HR Information and Forms

Online Courses

  • This is a course that will meet entirely in the Canvas space.
  • There will be no course webinars automatically scheduled by the Online Learning department.
  • Students will have set milestones and deadlines per your syllabus, but will complete the course work asynchronously.  Course meetings are not required but you can add optional webinars at your discretion. If you’d like us to send webinar links for you, please email the dates, times, and duration; please copy your PCPM. To prepare for a virtualized meeting, please see the section called How can I prepare for my virtualized course?
  • If you need assistance developing your Canvas course space, please email

Virtualized Courses

  • Your course is listed as having virtualized meetings.  This is a course that has live meetings via Zoom and an attendance requirement.
  • Teachers and students of courses with virtualized meetings will receive a webinar link via email to your CIIS account approximately 15 minutes before each class meeting. Your Liaison will join you at the beginning of the webinar to help with any troubleshooting. They will leave Online Learning’s chat support address ( for you before exiting.
  • No action is required on your part to receive a webinar link.  It will be auto-scheduled by the Online Learning department for all virtualized meetings listed by the Registrar’s office. Please contact Online Learning ( if you do NOT wish to receive links for your class.
  • If you believe that your course is not virtualized (either because it is strictly an online course, it is meeting solely in person, or for some other reason), please notify your PCPM and let us know immediately.
  • Recording of virtualized courses is not permitted, due to FERPA, HIPAA, and other regulations.  It is possible to record a lecture-only portion of a virtual course meeting (parts of the meeting that do not include any student identity information – name, voice, video, etc.). This requires muting and turning off video for all students and starting and stopping recording during the lecture. 

How can I prepare for my virtualized course?

  • Please make sure you can access your CIIS email account directly. Do not have emails forwarded to a personal account (email forwarding has been disabled and you will not receive your link). 
  • Please see our What to Expect support article for instructions on stopping email forwarding, as well as other technical guidance and tests you can perform.
  • Please check your CIIS email account ~15 minutes before each class meeting for the webinar link.

How can I change my schedule?

Please ensure your syllabus matches the schedule in Self-Service. The Online Learning department will pull the schedule from Self-Service two weeks before the start of the semester to send webinar links for relevant courses.

If you must change meeting details (e.g. date/time, modality, etc.) please advise your PCPM to update Self-Service as soon as possible. Please send an email to if the changes are for course meeting that occur within the next week.