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Add HTML to Canvas

You can add HTML to a Canvas Assignment, Discussion, Page, Quiz, and the Syllabus. Doing so allows you to add custom features such as recordings, embedded documents, etc. to a Canvas item.

– Before you start, you will need HTML code (you might have received this from Online Learning).

– When creating custom HTML code in Canvas, you might notice that certain tags do not work upon saving. This is because Canvas will only support certain HTML elements for security reasons.

Below is a link to a list of HTML tags that are permissible in Canvas. HTML tags that are not on this list might be stripped out of the Rich Content Editor when you save your work. View the Canvas HTML Editor Allowlist PDF for more information.

For a written version of the video demonstration below, please see the Canvas Community article called “How do I use the HTML view in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor?”

To watch the video demonstration below, click play.

To enlarge a video while playing, select the fullscreen icon: Fullscreen icon.
To hide or show subtitles while playing, select the CC icon: CC icon.

The video below demonstrates how to add HTML to a Canvas item. In this example, we will add HTML code to a Canvas Page so the class can view a recording.

Click here to open the video in a new tab.

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