Post grades manually

Control grade visibility by posting grades manually when you are ready

By default, Canvas courses will post grades automatically, as soon as they are entered in the Grades tab or submitted in SpeedGrader.

You can choose to “mute” grades by changing the Grade Posting Policy. This allows you to grade everyone in the class before “releasing” grades for an individual Assignment. We recommend that this be done before grading begins.
You can set the policy at the course level or at the individual Assignment level. Please note that Assignment-level posting policies will override the course-level posting policy.
The manual course posting policy is not retroactive. If you select it after grades have been entered, any grades that were already posted will remain visible. If you wish, you can hide grades.
Please note that the Hide grades function is different from the Grade Posting Policy. Hide grades should be used sparingly, i.e., to temporarily hide grades posted in error. If you have questions about the Hide grades feature, please contact

Set the policy at the course level

For a demonstration of steps #1-3 below, play the video or click here to open in a new tab.

To hide or show subtitles while playing, select the CC icon: CC icon.
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Table of contents icon.
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  1. Click Grades from the course navigation menu:Grades tab
  2. Select the settings icon near the top right:
  3. In the window that opens, select the Grade Posting Policy tab, then select Manually Post Grades. Then click Update at the bottom right:Grade Posting Policy tab with radio button that says Manually Post Grades and Update button at the bottom right.
  4. When a manual posting policy has been applied and a grade has been entered, the Assignment header displays a Visibility icon [1]. This indicates that a manual posting policy is in place. You must manually post the grades before they can be viewed by students.

    Also, if a manual posting policy has been applied to a course, all Assignment headers will display the Manual label [2].

    The Total column will also display a Visibility icon [3]. This indicates that the grade in the Grades tab is different from the total grade viewed by the student.Number 1 is the slashed eye icon in an Assignment column header. Number 2 is the word Manual in an Assignment column header. Number 3 is a slashed eye icon in a row of the Total column

  5. When you are ready, post the grades.


Set the policy at the Assignment level

  1. Click Grades from the course navigation menu:Grades tab
  2. Hover over the Assignment column header and click the Options icon, then click Grade Posting Policy:
  3. Select Manually in the tray that opens to the right. Then click Save:
    Radio button next to Manually with a Save button at the bottom right.
  4. When a manual posting policy has been applied and a grade has been entered, the Assignment header displays a Visibility icon [1]. This indicates that a manual posting policy is in place. You must manually post the grades before they can be viewed by students.

    Also, if a manual posting policy has been applied, the Assignment header will display the Manual label [2].

    The Total column will also display a Visibility icon [3]. This indicates that the grade in the Grades tab is different from the total grade viewed by the student.Number 1 is the slashed eye icon in an Assignment column header. Number 2 is the word Manual in an Assignment column header. Number 3 is a slashed eye icon in a row of the Total column

  5. When you are ready, post the grades.

Post the grades

  1. Any Assignment with grades that are not visible will be indicated by the Visibility icon [1].

    When you have finished grading everyone, hover over the Assignment column header and click the Options icon [2]. Then select Post Grades [3].

  2. Number 1 is a slashed eye icon within an Assignment column header. Number 2 is the options icon within an Assignment column header. Number 3 is Post Grades.A tray will open to the right. Select to post everyone’s grades, or only those who have received a grade or submission comment. Then select Post:A radio button that says Everyone. Another radio button that says Graded. A button that says Post at the bottom right.
  3. You will see a success message once grades have been posted:Message that says Success! Grades have been posted to everyone for Assignment 1.
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