Accessing Microsoft Bookings

To access the Microsoft Bookings app, first log-on to with your university email address and email password. Once logged-in, from the home page:

Select the nine dot app home ellipsis (1.) at the top left of the page. If the Bookings app icon is not present, select the More apps icon (2.). home page app home

On the page that opens, if the Bookings app icon is not present, select the small All apps under the first row of apps (3.): apps page

On the page that opens, select the Booking app icon to access the app: all apps page

Office 365 Basics

  1. Log in to
  2. Add a profile image to your Microsoft 365 account (formerly called “Office 365”).
  3. Select the Install Office button.
  4. Pin Canvas to your Microsoft App Launcher.

Click here to open the video in a new tab.

To watch the video above, click play.
To enlarge a video while playing, select the fullscreen icon: Fullscreen icon.
To hide or show subtitles while playing, select the CC icon: CC icon.

Reset University Email Password

Follow the steps at the following link to reset your university email password and to reset your password to unlock your account.

This method requires that a mobile number was added to your email account at the time of set-up; a security code will be sent to that number by SMS to reset your password.