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Record in the studio

You can use the link at the bottom of this article to schedule a 30-minute appointment with a member of the Online Learning team to record in our studio. 

For the location, please select In-person meeting. We will meet at Room 506 at the Mission campus (1453 Mission Street in San Francisco).

Please provide any PowerPoint presentation, if applicable, ahead of time.
° You can upload it here: https://ciisedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/teams_ciis_edu/ElRIcyVERRZCu7jpb_hB5lQBWLZdT4m8H4Yc5TS57Ii8lw
° Or email it to us at Teams@ciis.edu.

Since we may be using a green screen, please do not wear any green (including green floral or other patterns, accessories, etc.).

If you have any questions, please email us at Onlinelearningsupport@ciis.edu.

Schedule the appointment

Use the link below to schedule your appointment:


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