23/1/4 Software Update Group: 787



January 4 2023 Software Updates Installation Page: 4

Software Update Group: 787 – Ellucian install via list Status: Complete

Client Impact:
The defects and enhancements resolved in this release no longer
require customization or maintenance as they are now part of the
baseline product.

Clients will be able to receive usernames from an identity management
solution in Colleague and populate the existing person record with the
pre-defined username. See the Resolution and Technical Implementation
sections for more information.


To extend the Ethos persons API for IDENTITY.DATA you will first need
to add IDENTITY.DATA as an associated cofile of person on File
Specifications (RFSP). This step must be taken due to a defect with
EAEV that has been logged as PD0004214. Once this is done use the
Ethos API Extensions (EAEE) to extend the persons API to write to
IDENTITY.DATA. This allows the identity provider to use the API to
write the username to Colleague.

On WUIP set the User ID Gen Method to CG Custom Generated and
populate the User ID Subroutine field with S.GET.IDD.USERNAME. We have
delivered this subroutine for use so that existing processes (Build
Web Registry processes) will look at the IDENTITY.DATA table for the
username instead of generating a new username.

Use IDFR to generate savedlists of person ids to be used with the
Build Web Registry processes to populate the IDD.USERNAME sent from
your identity management solution.

These instructions are published in knowledge article KB000501912.


Core Setup/Utilities – CS > Core Web Setup – CWS > Identity Data File
Report (IDFR)

Clients will no longer have to maintain custom code workarounds for
the defects and enhancements resolved in this release.

Description / Steps to reproduce:
December 15, 2022 – The following software update has been released
and is available to customers to be installed with the Envision
Release System:


This update will deliver resolution for several change requests and/or
new or updated utilities.

Product Defects Resolved

January 4 2023 Software Updates Installation Page: 5
Software Update Group: 787 – Ellucian install via list Status: Complete

45645.81 FAMD help needed improvement. The help for the Children of
Both Spouses and Relate to Spouse as fields was updated to clarify in
what scenarios relationships would need to be resolved.

PD0002630 Student name was missing from CSV report when ACDR was run
in delete mode. This issue has been resolved.

PD0004322 For SaaS clients, on Electronic Transfer File (ELFT) form,
the user was not able to change File Type field.
The File Type field can now be changed.

The following online help required updates:

  • The Academic Roster Inquiry (RSTR) form was missing online help.
    This issue has been resolved.
  • The De-Registration (DREG) online help required updating to
    clarify how rules are evaluated. This issue has been resolved.
  • The Batch Academic Evaluation (BEVL), Batch Proposed Program
    (BPRP), and Batch Fast Path Analysis (FPAT) online help for the
    Include Code required updating to be consistent with the same field on
    Evaluate Student Program (EVAL). This issue has been resolved.

Clients requested the ability to record login information sent from an
identity management solution acting as the authoritative source for
usernames, using Ethos APIs, so that Colleague usernames could be
updated with information from the identity management solution. This
enhancement is delivered with this update. See the Resolution and
Technical Implementation sections for more information.

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